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Beyond the Classroom conference postponed

Join us at High Ashurst on Friday 15th October 2021 for our 5th annual conference -

'Learning Beyond the Classroom conference – Happy, healthy children through outdoor learning'.

The evidence is clear, children thrive in the outdoor environment in terms of their:

  • Behaviour
  • Attainment
  • Resilience
  • Personal character development
  • Positive mental attitude

Taking their cross-curriculum learning outside as regularly as possible will ensure they will only flourish further into 'Happy, healthy children through outdoor learning'!

What to expect

We're committed to supporting schools to deliver quality outdoor learning across their curriculum.

Learning beyond the classroom conference 2019

2021 brings another great line up of inspiring keynote speakers from the world of outdoor education and sixteen all-new curriculum focused workshops for 2021.

Delegates will be equipped with plenty of ideas and resources plus the confidence to make a real difference to their outdoor learning programme for all year groups back at school.

All delegates will receive a goody bag bursting full of resources, lesson plans and support information to support them with taking their outdoor learning to the next level!

As always you will be nourished with plenty of food and refreshments to keep your energy levels boosted throughout the day.

Who should come?

KS1 and 2 Head/ Deputy Head teachers, primary outdoor learning leads, sports coordinators or any school educationalist passionate about getting children into the outdoors. Plus suitable for teachers involved with transition from primary to secondary and OAA in KS3.


Tickets are £160 per delegate and include:

  • A light breakfast
  • Refreshments all day
  • A hearty lunch
  • An exceptionally packed goody bag including plenty of learning resources – more will be revealed closer to the conference!
  • Inspirational keynote speakers from the world of education.
  • Resources from all workshops.
  • Networking with like-minded educators.
  • A day in the outdoors – and in our huge tent teepee!

Outdoor learning can be financed by the Sport Premium Funding.

If you have already booked your place, please email to advise if you wish to attend on the revised date or if you require a refund.

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