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Privacy and cookies

Your privacy

Any personal information collected via this website is used only to respond to enquiries and to monitor site usage. No personal information is disclosed to third parties (unless specifically stated otherwise) and is held under the provisions of the Data Protection Act. This site is operated by Surrey County Council, so please see our corporate privacy notice and individual privacy notice for further information.


We use third-party web analytics tools to help us monitor how people use this website. Your IP address will be collected for the purpose of distinguishing between internal (staff) and external (public) usage. We do not associate your IP address with anything that is personally identifiable. To disable the collection of anonymous analytics data you can enable the "Do Not Track" setting in your browser.


A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device so that a website can remember information about your visit. A cookie will typically contain the name of the website that create it, a time period for which it is valid, and a value, which is often a randomly generated and unique number.

How we use cookies

Cookies used on this website do not store any personal data and are not used to gather personal information.

We use cookies for a variety of important reasons, for example:

  • To collect statistics about your use of our website.
  • To ensure a persistent connection with the same web server in the load balancing pool.

Cookies set by our website

SQ_SYSTEM_SESSIONSession stateEnd of sessionSurrey County Council
_gaAnalytics02 yearsGoogle
_gidAnalytics24 hoursGoogle
_gatAnalytics01 minuteGoogle
nlbi_[ID]Visitor recognitionEnd of sessionIncapsula
incap_ses_[ID]Visitor recognitionEnd of sessionIncapsula
visid_incap_[ID]Visitor recognitionEnd of sessionIncapsula

Third party cookies

Some third-party services embedded within this website set their own cookies. These are known as third-party cookies because they are not set by our website. We have no control over the cookies that are set by third-party services.

How to enable or disable cookies

We recommend that you allow all cookies set by this site as they help us provide you with a better service. If you decide to disable our cookies then you may not be able to access certain parts of our website. More information about cookies is available on the Information Commissioner's Office website.

How Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development use your contact Information

When booking online you will be asked to sign a disclaimer. In doing so you are agreeing to your email being used by Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development to inform you of updates about outdoor learning industry news and information, latest SOLD news, offers and events that may be of direct interest to you.

All emails are sent through a secure permission-based email system (see their Privacy Policy at and subscription preferences may be changed by you at any time.

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