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land-based training courses

We run courses for enthusiasts and professionals covering many aspects of the outdoors and related activities. Courses are endorsed by the relevant national governing body or professional Institution. They include both personal skill development and coaching courses, many of which are used in a school or voluntary sector environment.

If you are interested in these courses but don't have the necessary funding available to you, then please see the information published by GOV.UK about career development loans.

Land-based courses

Outdoor learning can be financed by the School Sport Premium Funding.

This is a 3 day course covering bushcraft skills and knowledge suitable for teachers, instructors, leaders, to deliver progressive bushcraft learning experiences in their setting.

This course is accredited by the Institute of Outdoor Learning.

This course covers eight core bushcraft subjects; edged tools, knives and saws, fire, bow drill, water, debris shelters and bedding, tree identification and uses, natural navigation and cordage.

No prior experience is necessary.

Throughout the course you will be provided with advice and guidance on tools and equipment and how to teach the skills covered to other people, whether that be individuals or groups, all based on their own years of experience.

After the course there is a consolidation period which requires completing a Bushcraft Competency logbook demonstrating 120 quality hours of consolidated bushcraft experience.

There is a separate one-day assessment.

Course length: 3 day course

What to bring and what to wear

A large part of the day will be spent outside, so sturdy shoes, and appropriate warm/wet weather clothing is advised.

You will not need to bring any equipment but may want to bring something to take notes with.

Food and drink

Tea and coffee will be provided but you will need to bring your own lunch.

There are some small shops within a few miles of the course locations but bringing a packed lunch is recommended.

We will have breaks for food and drinks throughout the day.

Access and parking

At High Ashurst, there is plenty of parking if using your own transport.

Being in rural locations, public transport can be trickier.

More information about our training courses

We are happy to offer advice on this, so please contact SOLD if needed.

Bushcraft Competency Certificate (

A one-day assessment for the Bushcraft Competency Certificate Assessment.

Suitable for those who have attended the training or who are highly experienced.

A completed logbook of experience must be submitted prior to assessment.

Bushcraft Competency Certificate (

The Camping Leader qualification is a Mountain Training course and Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development is an approved provider.

The Camping Leader qualification is for people who wish to supervise a camping group and develop participants' camping proficiency by teaching camping activities.

A qualified camping leader can operate in a variety of campsites, all with vehicle access, including land with no facilities and commercial campsites offering a range of facilities. A qualified camping leader who also holds a Mountain Training Walking Leadership qualification can operate in terrain within the scope of that scheme. For example: journey and wild camp.

This scheme is ideal for those involved with the Duke of Edinburgh's award. The skills covered apply to groups using the commercial campsites as well as wild camping.

Before you book onto a Camping Leader assessment course, make sure you have done the following:

You must,

  • be 17 years old to register and at least 18 years old to attend the assessment.
  • have personally undertaken and logged an absolute minimum of five overnight camps, ideally in a variety of contexts.
  • have assisted with or overseen at least two group camps. If personal camping has only been undertaken when also supervising a group, then these two group camps can be part of the total submitted for personal camping i.e. some candidates may need to log only five overnight camps in total. Reflective comments must accompany the group supervision evidence.
  • be familiar with the syllabus.
  • be an experienced self-sufficient camper.
  • have experience of the supervision of camping groups.
  • have physically attended and completed (i.e. not online) a first aid course which involved at least one full day or eight hours of instruction and included an element of assessment.

Useful links on supporting candidates with additional needs

Mountain Training encourages open access to their courses.

If you wish to discuss any personal requirements for the course, please contact us.

The first step in gaining the Camping Leader qualification is to register with Mountain Training. This will provide access to an online training course (no face-to-face training is required), providing knowledge and guidance pre assessment.

Potential outcomes of assessment

Following the assessment, the course director will complete a course report which will record one of three possible results:

Pass: Awarded where the candidate has demonstrated appropriate knowledge and application of the course syllabus, and has shown the necessary experience and attributes of a Hill and Moorland Leader.

Defer: Awarded where the candidate has generally performed well and has shown the necessary experience and attributes, but where complete proficiency has not been attained in certain aspects of the syllabus or where a lack of experience has been identified.

Fail: Awarded where the candidate's performance has been generally weak, or the necessary experience and attributes have not been shown. A complete assessment course will need to be subsequently attended.

When a candidate's performance merits a defer or fail result the candidate will have a formal written report containing individual feedback.

All relevant information will be included to support the deferred/failed candidate and the assessor who conducts the re-assessment.

Visit the Mountain training website for further information on the course Camping Leader.

Please car share or use local public transport where possible. Mountain Training and SOLD are keen to support sustainable transport practice.

The Mountain Training website and the Mountain Training YouTube channel can help with Blogs and registering an account.

The Lowland Leader Award is a Mountain Training course and we are an approved provider.

The Lowland Leader Award trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to lead others on walks in lowland countryside and woodland that fit all of the following criteria:

  • walks must not cross any hazardous terrain (e.g. cliffs, very steep slopes, water hazards etc.).
  • throughout the walk the group should never generally be more than 3 kilometers away from a key access point such as a car park, lay-by or populated area. Any potential escape routes should also lie within the scope of the defined terrain for the Lowland Leader award.
  • walks will require the ability to plan routes, use simple navigation skills using a map and compass and be self-sufficient.
  • walks must follow paths or tracks that are both marked on a map and clearly visible on the ground and that do not require navigation across untracked areas.
  • walks must use bridges or other recognised water crossing points.
  • walks must only take place in summer conditions (i.e. when there is no unavoidable snow or ice on any part of the route).

This training course lasts two days. In addition to this you will be required to book and attend a separate two day assessment course.

Candidates for this training must register on the Mountain Training website before the course and gain a candidate registration number.

To register go to the Mountain Training website.

Mountain Training encourages open access to their courses.

Please find these useful links on supporting candidates with additional needs:

If you wish to discuss any personal requirements for the course, please contact us.


You are required to have logged a minimum of 10 days walking (preferably on the Mountain Training Candidate Management System) prior to attending this course.

NB. We are only able to process your name as having completed training when the 10 days have been logged on the MT CMS.


We will send you the information when you register.


Please car share or use local public transport where possible. Mountain Training and SOLD are keen to support sustainable transport practice.

Further information

Mountain Training YouTube channel to help with Dlogs and registering an account.

Mountain Training - YouTube


Camping expeditions are covered by the one-day Camping Leader Assesment

A separate course that can be attended with the necessary pre requisites after you have passed the Lowland Leader Award Assessment

For more information about the Lowland Leader Award visit the Lowland Leader homepage or take a look at the available downloads on the Mountain Training website.

You can view the Qualification Pathway and Walking Awards infographics from the Mountain Training Website.

National Governing Body: Mountain Training

Bespoke courses

Please email if you are interested in a bespoke course.

If there are no dates available to book, please email to express an interest in this course.

The Lowland Leader trains and assesses candidates in the skills required to lead others on walks in lowland countryside and woodland that fit all of the following criteria:

  • walks must not cross any hazardous terrain (e.g. cliffs, very steep slopes, water hazards etc.).
  • throughout the walk, the group should never generally be more than 3 kilometers away from a key access point such as a car park, lay-by or populated area. Any potential escape routes should also lie within the scope of the defined terrain for the Lowland Leader award.
  • walks will require the ability to plan routes, use simple navigation skills using a map and compass and be self-sufficient.
  • walks must follow paths or tracks that are both marked on a map and clearly visible on the ground and that do not require navigation across untracked areas.
  • walks must use bridges or other recognised water crossing points.
  • walks must only take place in summer conditions (i.e. when there is no unavoidable snow or ice on any part of the route).


Before you book onto a Lowland Leader Award assessment, make sure you have completed the following:

You must,

  • have attended a Lowland Leader training course (or have been granted exemption)
  • be familiar with the syllabus
  • have logged a minimum of 20 walks in lowland countryside in different types of terrain (woodland, coastal, farmland etc)
  • hold a current First Aid Certificate, minimum 16 hours and relevant to your work as a Lowland Leader.

The Lowland Leader Award assessment is 2 days long (minimum of 16 hours contact time).

After you have passed your assessment

If you are interested in taking groups on multi-day walks, book a place on Camping Leader.

For more information about the Lowland Leader Award visit the Mountain Training website, Lowland Leader homepage.

You can view the Qualification Pathway and Walking Awards infographics from the Mountain Training website.

For further information please visit the National Governing Body Mountain Training.

Bespoke Courses

Please email if you are interested in a bespoke course.

If there are no dates available to book please email to express an interest in this course.

The Leadership Skills Foundation Level 3 Qualification in Lowland Expedition Leadership is a nationally recognised award that trains and qualifies teachers, youth workers and other members of the community to lead groups in lowland areas; have responsibility for the care of others when outdoors including day journeys, and organise base and mobile camps.

This award is the minimum qualification required by many Local Authorities and Operating Authorities of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme to train and lead groups in the expedition section of the Bronze and Silver Awards (lowland areas).

The LEL3 assessment is not included in this training course and must be booked and paid for separately.

Course Requirements:

  • 18 years and over
  • Leadership Skills Foundation registration fee (included in course booking cost)
  • Some camping and expedition experience
  • Map work to the level of NNAS Bronze Navigator Award (Not the award itself)
  • First Aid Certificate advisable
  • You are expected to have an appropriate level of fitness being able to carry a full pack over 3 days expedition

The LEL3 assessment is not included in this training course and must be booked and paid for separately.

Governing body and for more information go to: Leadership Skills Foundation

If there are no dates available to book please email to express an interest in this course.


Prior to the assessment weekend, you will be required to consolidate your skills by:

  • completing your personal action plan
  • completing at least 8 day walks (min 6 hours) within the last 3 years in lowland countryside
  • leading at least 15 hours of camp craft activities
  • leading groups in lowland terrain for at least 15 hours (remote supervision of DofE groups is not acceptable for this)

This award does not qualify people to lead groups in remote or mountainous areas.

For more information follow this link Sports Leaders UK, the Governing body.

If there are no dates available to book please email to express an interest in this course.

This LEL3 RPL course is designed for experienced leaders who believe that they already have 'Recognised Prior Learning' relevant to all nine units of the LEL3 syllabus. This particular course has an extra component, the (24 hour) Assessment Interview, which provides an opportunity for each candidate to show their RPL evidence, so that they do not have to attend some/any of the usual 70 hours of training & consolidation.

However all candidates still have to attend the LEL3 Assessment weekend (20 hours). The LEL3 Assessment weekend is a separate course and is not included in the cost of this course.

To prepare for the (24 hour) Assessment Interview, each candidate must:

  • read the 'Recognition of Prior Learning – Candidate Guidance'.
  • complete the 'Recognition of Prior Learning – Evidence Record'.
  • submit their completed 'Recognition of Prior Learning – Evidence Record' with enough time to allow the Tutor Assessor to prepare the 1 to 1 interview which takes place during the Assessment Interview.

Where further training & consolidation is still necessary to fulfill certain units, the candidate will have to attend the relevant training days on the standard weekend based training course.

Sports Leaders UK registration fee included in course booking cost.

Governing body and for more information follow this link: Sports Leaders UK

To express your interest in this course please email Dates for the Assessment Interview will then be discussed with you.

If there is a group of you that would like to undertake a course together please email

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