Telephone 01372 378901 or send an email


Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our visitors. We make every effort to provide an environment in which children and adults feel safe, secure, valued and respected, and feel confident to talk if they are worried, believing they will be effectively listened to.

We have a comprehensive policy and guidelines to provide staff with the framework they need to keep children safe and secure at Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development.

If you wish to see a copy, please email the bookings office,

SOLD's 'Designated Safeguarding Lead' contacts

If there are any safeguarding concerns at SOLD, please contact the staff below:

All above contacts can be reached on 01372 378901 during business hours.

In an emergency (out of business hours), please contact Children – Single Point of Access (C-SPA) 01483 517898

Leader or Teacher in Charge (Accompanied individuals or groups)

'Staff in charge of young people have a common law duty to act as any reasonably prudent parent would do in the same circumstances' (Duke of Edinburgh, DofE)

During visits and stays at SOLD, the teacher or leader in charge are responsible for the individual's supervision at all times. Teachers or leaders in charge will ensure that they abide by their own governance during visits and trips and are expected to communicate to SOLD all details relating to the individuals within their groups.

SOLD staff in Loco Parentis (Unaccompanied individuals or groups)

Individuals visiting and participating in programmes without a group leader or teachers will be supported by SOLD staff who will be responsible for all individuals throughout every aspect of their supervision, whilst in SOLD's care.

All relevant information for the individuals, will be collected and kept confidential and only for immediate reference to inform us or of specific individual needs.

The information ranges from medical and dietary requirements, specific learning needs and contact details.

Young people on residential visits will be allocated suitable sleeping arrangements dependant upon their age and gender. A member of the SOLD team will be 'on call' and present at all times during their stay.

SOLD responsibilities include fostering and encouraging positive behaviour with all participants.

Anti Bullying

SOLD staff take responsibility of children very seriously whilst in our care and we have a zero tolerance towards bullying.

We are committed to preventing and responding to bullying by:

  • Reinforcing our Positive Behaviour joint promise with the children, and they will be encouraged to speak to an adult should they feel unhappy.
  • Our staff are trained to be vigilant of any unacceptable behaviour between the children that could take place during their activity session or during break periods and manage the situation accordingly.

Use of mobile devices whilst at a SOLD centre

Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development fosters a 'culture of safety' in which children and staff are protected from abuse, harm and distress. We therefore have a clear policy on the acceptable use of mobile devices that is understood and adhered to by everyone: staff, children and parents and visitors.

Children's use of mobile devices

We understand that some children have mobile devices, we actively discourage them from using them whilst at the centre. We ask that when taking part in activities or group sessions they are turned off or placed on silent or leave them in a safe room.

SOLD does not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to mobile devices that are brought to any of the centres.

Children must not use their mobile devices to take photographs of any kind whilst at the centre without group leader's permission. Children are made aware of this during the induction process. If they want a photograph of something in particular or of a particular activity they must ask for permission.

Visitors' use of mobile devices

In the interest of safeguarding we ask all parents and visitors not to use their mobile devices when taking part in SOLD activities. Taking of photography by parents or visitors is strictly prohibited without obtaining permission from SOLD staff.

If a parent/visitor would like to have a photograph of their child involved in an activity they can ask a SOLD member of staff for permission. The SOLD member of staff would clarify the photo release status with the corresponding group leader before photos can be taken.

Staff use of mobile devices

All personal mobile devices that belong to members of staff who are working with groups of children will be kept in the staff mess room during working hours unless specific permission has been given by Senior/Duty Worker.

Under no circumstances will SOLD staff use their personal devices to take photographs on SOLD premises during working hours.

Due to the nature of the activities we offer at SOLD, it is important we have effective means of communication in case of emergency or incident. Mobile devices are only used as a back up to our radio system and for operational duties. Off-site mobile devices are only used when necessary.

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