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Guide for parents and carers

Welcome to the Duke of Edinburgh's Award in Surrey!

Surrey County Council (SCC) holds a licence from the DofE National Charity and Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) delivers and operates the Duke of Edinburgh's Award on its behalf for all SEN schools and Community & Youth Groups within the county. The aim of this Guide is to help parents, carers, and young people with information regarding DofE and how it should operate under the Surrey County Council licence.

In most cases young people will undertake their DofE through their school, youth centre or other Surrey registered 'DofE Centre'. Young people participate through a personalised internet-based account called eDofE which is activated when they enrol with their nominated DofE centre, (usually this will be their school, children's home, Youth & Community Centre or Open DofE Centre). They will for the most part be expected to participate on a self-managed basis with help from their teacher, youth worker, DofE leader, parents or carers, with most of the information and guidance available from their nominated centre/school or from the National DofE website.

Their individual DofE programme is approved by their DofE Co-ordinators or Leaders at their establishment and it is verified by the SCC SOLD DofE Operating Authority Manager.

Please understand that DofE is for the most part an individually tailored programme. As such there is no obligation on the DofE National Charity or SOLD to organise or provide any part of the programme for your son or daughter. This overall responsibility resides with the school/ DofE centre for all sections of the Award and at all levels that they operate. However, SOLD will endeavour to provide advice and guidance and facilitate completion and success wherever possible.

Why do a DofE award?

Surrey County Council through SOLD supports the personal and social development of young people and provides opportunities for them to fulfil their potential.

When your son/daughter does their DofE programme they'll develop the skills and attitudes they need to become more rounded, confident adults. It's a non-competitive flexible programme aimed at all young people that includes qualities that colleges, universities and employers value. So when you support your son/daughter's pursuit of their Duke of Edinburgh's Award, you're investing in their future. You can expect to see your son/daughter develop in the following areas as they work through their DofE programme:

  • Self-belief and self-confidence
  • A sense of identity
  • Initiative and a sense of responsibility
  • A real awareness of their strengths
  • New talents and abilities
  • The ability to plan and use time effectively
  • Learning from and giving to others in the community
  • Forming new friendships
  • Problem solving, presentation and communication skills
  • Leadership and team working skills.

Registration of participants

  • All participants at Bronze must be in Year 9 or older to register for the award programme.
  • Participants must be in Year 10 or older to register for Silver.
  • Participants must be 16 or older to register for Gold.

How participants register

Firstly, read through this Guide and then if you have any questions, contact your son/daughter's DofE centre/school in the first instance, or the Surrey County Council SOLD DofE Team at

Ask your son/daughters DofE centre/school for an application form or the process that they use. The charge for registration levied by SCC includes a surcharge to cover operational costs.

What does DofE involve?

Anyone from the start of Year 9 to the age of 24 can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award. With assistance from DofE Leaders, your son/daughter will select and set objectives in each of the four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. At Gold level there is a 5th section, Residential.

Details and duration of participation for each section at Bronze/Silver and Gold level is set out in the table below:

Bronze Award

3 months3 months3 monthsPlan, prepare for and undertake a 2 day, 1 night venture

An additional 3 months must be undertaken in any one of these sections. Involvement is to be measured in full months with an expectation of an average of at least one hour per week.

Silver Award

6 monthsEither 3 or 6 monthEither 3 or 6 monthPlan, prepare for and undertake a 3 day, 2 night venture

Direct entrants must undertake an additional 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer (Skills or Physical Recreation) section.

You will have a choice on which section from Physical or Skill lasts 3 or 6 months.

Gold Award

12 Months12 or 6 months12 or 6 monthsPlan, prepare for and undertake a 4 day, 3 night ventureUndertake a shared activity in a residential setting away from home for 5 days and 4 nights

Direct entrants must undertake an additional 6 months in either the Volunteering or the longer (Skills or Physical Recreation) Section.

You will have a choice on which section from Physical or Skill lasts 6 or 12 months.

List of section ideas

When the participant has signed up for their DofE a Welcome pack will be sent through the post with a helpful guide to completing the DofE award. You can also find an online guide for section ideas.

Assessor's reports

At the beginning of a section, once it has been approved by your DofE leader, check that the person who you want to be your assessor is happy to assess you. Then when you have completed your section, ask them to write you a report either on your assessor cards that come with your welcome pack or on the online assessor portal.

Completing DofE at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels

  • A participant qualifies for their DofE Bronze or Silver Award when all the requirements of the Bronze or Silver level have been successfully completed, and approved by the Centre Leader at the centre/school in the first instance
  • Then Surrey County Council SOLD DofE verifiers will confirm that all the relevant conditions and requirements have been met based on the information recorded on the online eDofE system. A certificate and a badge are then sent to the DofE Centre
  • The Gold Award also requires approval at regional level. Once verified the participant will be invited to attend a presentation at St James Palace to receive their certificate from HRH The Earl of Wessex, Trustee of the DofE award


All DofE Leaders and Expedition Supervisors undergo checks and training through their Licensed Organisation to ensure young people have access to a high-quality programme.

However, given the scope and breadth of DofE programmes, your child may choose to undertake activities that are not directly managed or organised by their group, centre or Licensed Organisation (i.e. at their local gym or conservation group). If this is the case, you, as their parent/guardian/carer, are responsible for ensuring that the activity is properly managed and insured, and that the adults are suitably qualified and checked.

DofE Leaders are sensitive to all participants' individual cultural, religious, physical and other requirements. Consequently, they can organise activities suitable for participants' needs and schedule them around important religious events etc. as appropriate.


The DofE provides limited personal accident insurance which covers payment of a certain benefit(s) in the event of a participant or adult helper sustaining accidental bodily injury whilst taking part in an approved DofE activity. As a condition of their licence, each Licensed Organisation must also arrange Public Liability Insurance, which will cover any claims against them for injury or damage caused to, or by, young people and adults doing a DofE programme. However, please note that the insurance does not provide cover for any personal belongings or equipment damaged or lost whilst doing a DofE activity. It will also not cover your child for any injury or damage caused to them whilst undertaking an activity arranged by you with an external organisation, you will need to check what cover is provided by the activity provider. Visit the website for more information regarding insurance.

All SCC registered DofE participants undertaking their DofE expedition through Surrey County Council under the Evolve system will also have the benefit of the Council's public liability insurance with a limit of indemnity of £50 million.

The Surrey County Council SOLD DofE Operating Authority

  • Surrey County Council (SCC) is an Operational Licence holder of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award
  • Surrey Outdoor Learning & Development (SOLD) sits within Surrey County Council and operates DofE in Surrey, in partnership with the National DofE Charity
  • The SCC SOLD DofE Operating Authority provides a point of contact for Centre Leaders and processes verifies and monitors the quality of delivery to participants completing their Award
  • Every DofE participant will have access to the SCC SOLD DofE Manager via the message facility in their own eDofE account if needed, but it is primarily the role of the Centre Leader, to help them through their DofE and to whom all enquiries should be channelled in the first instance
  • It is vital that every participant opens their personal eDofE account immediately upon receipt of their log-in instruction. Communication with the Centre Leader and if necessary, the SOLD DofE Manager can then also be made via the eDofE messaging facility

Surrey County Council SOLD DofE Office

The Coach House, High Ashurst, Headley Lane, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6DQ


Good luck!

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