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They’re Not Just Fun, Holiday Activity Camps Are Seriously Good for Children

Holiday activity camps give children the opportunity to try something new, challenge themselves, be creative in their thinking, all while having fun.

The outside world is a stimulating and enriching environment, where young people can reconnect with nature (instead of the many electronic devices!). And we have plenty of that at both our High Ashurst and Thames Young Mariners centres.

One of the most noticeable benefits of holiday camps is health; they promote physical activity, resilience and help children take a break from their modern sedentary lifestyles.

The Adventure Zone (TAZ), in particular, is the perfect answer to any parents looking for a place for their child to be during working hours or just for holiday fun (with early drop off/ late pick up, and some overnight options too).

It's a safe environment where children can have fun and learn at the same time. Developing skills and confidence to calculate and take risks, develop decision-making skills and boosting their self-esteem. By the end of the day, you're guaranteed to have a happily exhausted little camper.

By enjoying non-competitive activities regularly, children learn to trust themselves and are given an opportunity to excel in areas outside of academics—these small successes can improve motivation both in and out of class.

With TAZ holiday activities we help children and young people to foster growing independence, through engaging learning, play and while enjoying the outdoors.

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