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Lockdown outdoor curriculum day

Outreach archery 02

Whilst our outdoor learning centres are closed to visitors, Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development's (SOLD) Outreach team have been taking their quality outcome driven learning into local schools that are still open for keyworker children.

This week the SOLD Outreach team visited Loseley Fields Primary School and they had an amazing day with their KS1 and KS2 children taking part in archery, problem solving and orienteering. The day was obviously to have some fun but there were also some numeracy and teamwork learnings too whilst very importantly, taking the necessary precautions to keep everyone safe and healthy.

Headteacher at Loseley Fields, Amanda Pedder says, "Who says we can't learn safely outdoors in the safety of our own back gardens when in lock down? The children in our Loseley Fields School childcare were able to enjoy some fun activities today outside on our school field knowing that infection control was top of our priority list.

With sun cream, sun glasses and hats at the ready, the team of SOLD specialists (Surrey Outdoor learning Development) and our very own Bear Grylls, Mr Etherton, guided us through a fun packed day learning how to do successful bug hunting, team building games, archery, sawing and wattling. It was such fun to see the children being taught to safely use tools and bows and arrows.

We all had a great day (the adults!) and we know they did too! Thank you to all the children for being so brilliant!"

Outreach Problem solving

The SOLD Outreach team were very happy to be part of this highly successful outdoor learning day at Loseley Fields and so thrilled the children and staff alike had so much fun!

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