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Outreach activity descriptions


Safety rules are given, followed by an explanation of the bows and arrows and how to shoot, covering standing positions etc. Once the group is clear then one at a time they step up and shoot three arrows with the guidance of the instructor, once they are clear on technique and have all been seen by the instructor, they get a couple of practise rounds and time permitting games may then be


With our mobile climbing tower on your site, we offer young people the chance to be part of a climbing team; helping with the safety rope (belaying) and climbing. This activity is great for confidence, teamwork, communication and building trust. Our qualified staff will lead the session and provide all the necessary safety equipment.


Bringing map reading to life and making it fun. Depending on the ability of the group, orienteering can be started off at many levels, from simple number and compass games to using a fixed post course onsite. This can then advance to participants setting up their own courses and giving them to other members of their groups to complete. This gets the group thinking about drawing maps and greatly builds on map reading skills.

Problem solving

This activity involves individual icebreakers and team tasks facilitated around the 'Plan, Do, Review' model; to get
as much experiential learning from the challenges as possible. It is fantastic for teamwork, team roles, problem solving skills, leadership and cognitive thinking.

Woodland Skills

Study the environment and how to best adapt to it. Immensely variable, the sessions focus on survival skills as well as environmental knowledge. Typical woodland skills activities are: fire lighting; shelter building; environmental games; nature walks; Cooking; cordage; tracking or tool use in creating various objects (mallets, pencils, pictures, whistle, key fobs).

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