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SOLD'S famous flapjacks

These flapjacks are always popular with our hungry young people and gives them a fantastic source of slow release energy throughout the day. Give them a go, show us how you get on!

Makes: 12 flapjacks
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes

What do you need

  • 2" Deep rectangular Baking Tin approximately 9" x 12"
  • spatula
  • large mixing bowl
  • small saucepan
  • mixing spoons
  • pallet knife
  • scales
  • tablespoon
  • bowls to weigh into
  • teaspoon
  • a knife
  • Baking Parchment or greaseproof paper to line the tin


  • 150g soft dark or light brown sugar
  • 200g butter* or margarine (milk*)
  • 2tbsp golden syrup
  • 350g oats* (wheat, gluten)
  • 80g dried fruit- cranberry*, apricot*, sultanas* (optional) (sulphites*)
  • ½ tsp ginger/cinnamon powder (optional)


  1. Wash your hands with warm soapy water and dry thoroughly.
  2. Heat your oven to 170C.
  3. Line the tin with parchment/grease proof paper.
  4. Weigh out all ingredients into separate bowls before you get started.
  5. Melt the butter or margarine in a saucepan.
  6. Once the butter or margarine has melted, add the sugar and golden syrup to the saucepan, heat gently, stir occasionally to keep the mixture moving and to check if all is dissolved. When it just comes to a simmer remove from the heat.
  7. Place the oats and any additional (optional) dried fruit into a large mixing bowl.
  8. Pour the melted mixture over the oats / dried fruit.
  9. Use a wooden spoon or any large serving spoon to mix all the ingredients together ensuring the oats are well coated.
  10. Tip the mixture into the prepared tin, using a spatula, spread mixture to the corners and squash down to form an even layer. Use a pallet knife to make sure the surface is flat and even.
  11. Bake in oven for 20-25 minutes until golden brown around the edges of the tin, with only a slight wobble in the middle when you shake it.
  12. While warm, use a knife to mark the surface into 12 portions (3x4). When they are completely cooled, cut into 12 pieces and enjoy!
  13. For a little bit of luxury, you could melt some chocolate over the top once they are cooled and cut
    into 12, allow to harden before munching!

These yummy flapjacks last in an airtight container for a week. Great for a mid-morning or afternoon snack!

Please note: All text marked with * are allergens or ingredients that may contain allergens.

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